Sex Crimes Attorney in Columbus
Sex Crimes Attorney: Being accused of any criminal charge is shocking and stressful. Being accused of a sex offense is devastating. But whatever lead you to this point, the one common factor is that you absolutely need criminal defense legal help. Charged with a crime in Ohio? Please call (614) 307-4343.
Sex offenses are a serious matter that can put you in prison for several years and even require you to register as a sex offender. They can change the way you look at life and change the way others look at you. You have likely already experienced the stigma of your offense in the eyes of the police and the people around you. Even if you are completely innocent of the charges, it can feel like you are already being judged.
I know what you are going through and understand you need someone on your side to look at the facts of the case and defend you in court. Our attorneys have successfully defended criminal and sex crime cases in the state of Ohio. We can absolutely help you figure our your options, and best defense strategies. Some of the Ohio sex related criminal charges we defend include:
These charges can even apply when both participants are underage. Charges may include:
You need an experienced defense attorney working on your behalf to ensure you get the best possible results to defend against severe and life changing consequences.
Ohio Sex Offense Facts
If your charges involve a child, not knowing their age is not a defense. As an adult, it is your responsibility to be sure of someone’s age before you engage in sexual acts or view pornography involving the person. If the charges involve a spouse or partner, your relationship is not a defense to the crime. In Ohio you can be convicted of rape even when the alleged victim is your wife. Many sex offenses occur between two people who know each other. Whether you made a mistake you are now sorry for or if you are being falsely implicated, we can help.