Muskingum County Criminal Defense Attorney
From domestic violence charges to drunk driving to assault, you need to look no further to find aggressive, experienced legal representation. Regardless of the criminal charges, I have represented clients in all areas of criminal defense including the following:
Domestic Violence
There are numerous factors that can lead to domestic violence, such as financial troubles or infidelity.
Drunk Driving
Being convicted a second time for drunk driving carries a penalty of 10 days to one year in jail, $350 to $1,500 in fines, and a 1 to 5 years license suspension.
Probation Violation
If you are accused of violating the terms of your probation you may have to go before a judge who will determine if the terms of your probation have been violated.
Drug Charges
At the Law Office of John P.M. Rutan, we are caring, compassionate, and highly experienced Muskingum County drug charge defense attorneys. We have dealt extensively with drug charges in Muskingum County and the surrounding areas.
Assault Defense
If you are convicted of a misdemeanor assault you could be facing up to 180 days behind bars.
If you have been arrested and charged with a crime, Muskingum County criminal defense attorney John P.M. Rutan welcomes your call. Exercise your right to remain silent and let us do the talking for you. Make your first phone call to us. Call us now.