Perry County Criminal Defense Attorney
The Law Office of John P.M. Rutan provides you with the necessary legal assistance to defend the criminal charges leveled against you. Whether it involves a DUI or an OMVI offense, a drug-related charge or a grave felony, or a criminal accusation such as one of the following:
Domestic Violence
When police are called to a home during the day or evening hours by a spouse wishing to resolve a dispute, domestic violence is often the case.
Drunk Driving
Driving under the influence of alcohol is a serious criminal offense in Franklin County Ohio, and if you are arrested and charged, requires that hiring an experienced DUI defense lawyer.
Probation Violation
Parole is the granting of the release from prison subject to the convicted party performing specific actions like getting substance abuse treatment or reporting to an officer of the court periodically.
Drug Charges
Drug crimes are taken very seriously at all levels of government, and law enforcement has the resources to make sure that drug offenders are caught and prosecuted.
Assault Defense
One of the most frequently committed crimes in Perry County is assault The severity of assault charges require that you hire the best Perry County criminal defense attorney.
It’s the job of a Perry county criminal defense attorney to protect your rights and to make sure that you are not being charged with a crime that you may not have committed. If you have been arrested and charged with a crime, Perry County criminal defense attorney John P.M. Rutan welcomes your call. Call us now.