Delaware County Assault Defense Attorney
You need to hire a Delaware County drug crimes defense attorney who understands your rights and is experienced in drug crimes defense litigation.
Three common drug-related charges are possession of a controlled substance, possession with intent to sell, and felony drug possession. Actual possession is having the controlled substance actually on your body physically such as in your pocket. You could also be charged with constructive possession if you are in the vicinity of a known illegal substance. You could be charged with constructive possession if you are sitting in a car and drugs are in the glove box. Constructive possession is more difficult to prove than actual possession.
You may be charged with possession with the intent to sell if you are in possession of a large quantity an illegal substance. Another way to be charged with possession with the intent to sell is if there is if you are arrested in the act of performing a drug transaction, or if you are in the act of “packaging” drugs into smaller quantities for sale.
A drug possession is also a frequent drug crime and is a felony drug possession if a person is in possession of an amount of a controlled substance that is in excess of a certain amount.
If you are arrested and charged with any drug crime, you need an experienced attorney to assure that your rights will be protected. Maybe the drugs weren’t yours, or you made a mistake, or maybe you have substance abuse issues. You may be simply going through a difficult period of life. Whatever the case, we are here to help. We want to hear about your case. If you have been arrested and accused of drug possession in Delaware County Ohio, you nee a drug crimes attorney that is experienced and knowledgeable. Call the Law Office of John P.M. Rutan today.