Franklin County Probation Violation Defense Attorney
In either event, in the case of first-time offenders or in the case of those convicted of lesser minor crimes, probation is often in society’s best interest. One of the ways a sentence of probation may serve society better than sending a person to jail is that probation saves taxpayers significant amounts of money.
As a condition of probation, a person will be required to report to their probation officer on a weekly or monthly basis. During these meetings, the probation officer will check to see if the person’s employment and the home living situation has remained the same, improved or deteriorated. The probation officer is free to show up unannounced at the offender’s home or place of work to ask questions to the employer and perform drug and alcohol-related tests.
If you are on probation, you may be required to pay fines and restitution that are determined by the court. Fines are paid to the state while restitution is paid to injured parties. Offenders may be required to replace or repair the stolen property or to compensate a victim for physical injuries. The amount of restitution is usually limited to the out of pocket cost to the injured parties such as medical expenses or lost wages from not being able to work.
Another condition of probation is that a person may be required to abstain from the use of alcohol and/or drugs. You could be required to submit to regular or surprise alcohol or drug testing in both your home and workplace
If you have been accused of violating the terms of your probation, have been arrested and are facing jail time, you need the help of experienced probation violation defense lawyers like the ones at the Law Office of John P.M. Rutan. Give us a call at 614-307-4343. We’re available 24/7.